Free Health Screening Clinic
Identify health concerns early so you can keep living your best life.
Each appointment with a London Drugs pharmacist or nurse will include screening tests, tips for healthy living, and a personalized care plan with applicable digital and/or print resources.
You may select up to two categories that you are interested in screening.
Screening for signs of vision problems or indications of other eye concerns like glaucoma or cataracts, using an eye chart and symptom questionnaires.
Screening for signs of hearing difficulties, using a symptom questionnaire.
Blood Pressure
Screening for high blood pressure which may indicate a risk of heart disease, using an automatic blood pressure machine.
Blood Sugar
Screening for high blood sugar which may indicate a risk of diabetes, using a blood glucose monitor and small finger prick sample of blood.
Body Metrics
Screening for body metrics which may indicate an elevated risk of a variety of health conditions, through calculations using weight, height and waist circumference.
Screening for signs of sleep difficulties including insomnia, snoring and sleep apnea, using symptom questionnaires.